Steph's Friend

Saturday, February 04, 2006

NJCSB At Fish & Co

Just had my dinner together with my band friends from NJC (National Junior College). We had it at the Glasshouse near Park Mall. At first, I didn't know such a place existed until today. When my SL (Section Leader), told me that we are eating at the Glasshouse, I thought we were going to have some hydroponically-grown lettuce and tomatoes. Thankfully it isn't so.

Anyway, getting there was a problem as the bus that I took, 502, didn't travel on the normal route due to Chingay Parade 2006. So, it went through a large detour before reaching the stop. Thankfully, I was on time.

We went there and talked a lot, catching up with old times. Then there was this conversation between Sean and me.

Sean: So what are you eating?
Me: I think I will take the fish and chips here.
Sean: Fish and chips? Isn't it like "normal" food where you can eat at some other place? Why don't you try something else?
Me: Hm...okay. I think I will try "The Best Fish & Chips in Town!" as stated here in the menu then.
Sean and Eileen: Haha...hehe...hoho...etc.

As time passed by, more and more people came to join us as they were late and our stomachs were grumbling. It sure was fun, catching up with old times and asking people what are they studying now, which unit they are from and how's life been going on for them. I was expecting the juniors to come, but sadly, it was only my batch and my senior's batch that turned up. Even so, not everyone turned up. Nevertheless, it was a fun time that we had together.

The food took a long time before it landed in front of us. I would say that the food is good, especially my "The Best Fish & Chips in Town! - New York Version". Here's how it looked like. The fish was cooked with cheese! This makes it more "salty" than the normal version. I wonder why is New York associated with cheese.

After eating, we took some photos here and there. The photo below shows those who went for the dinner (Marcus and Yun Qi are not inside as they left early).

This photo shows my section, the Percussion Section, with one senior. (My eyes are not balanced! Argh! Must be the flash)

Peekae, Me, Sean, Eileen, Eejin (seated)

This photo shows my "angel" Wan Rou. It all began in NJC when my batch just entered the band. So the leaders decided to play the "Angel and Mortal" game so that we juniors won't feel so lost in the band. The game works by having an "Angel" assigned to a "Mortal". The "Angel" will write letters, give gifts, or encourage his/her "Mortal". The "Mortal" can write back to his/her "Angel" by placing letters on a designated table so that the "Angel" can take without the "Mortal" knowing who he/she is. The "Mortal" won't know who the "Angel" is until the end of the game where the "Angel" will reveal to his/her "Mortal" who he/she is. So this is my "Angel" who wrote letters and gave me presents. She's a nice and caring person I should say.

Wan Rou and Me

The photo below shows the place where we had our dinner. Nice photo huh? Haha. There's this conversation linked to this photo.

Eileen: Hey, why don't you take a photo of the logo there so that you can tell people that you've eaten their "The Best Fish & Chips in Town!"?
Me: Yah, I took the photo already.
Eileen: Haha...nevermind.

I guess she didn't expect me to take the photo. But I did.

It all ended with goodbyes with me going back home while the rest continued on. It was quite late already so I couldn't join them anymore.

Here's some lame jokes that can be found in the menu. This picture is an edited one from their website.

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