Valentine's Day

The day is here. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone out there a Happy Valentine's Day. So who am I spending this special day with? With my family :D
Valentine's Day need not be a day where you must spend time with your boyfriend/girlfriend. You can also spend it with your loved ones like your family or close friends.
"Love" is a very common word used on this day. Couples saying it to each other, family members showing it to one another and gamblers losing their money because of it. So what's your idea of love?
Here's mine:
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Here's a story from my grandmother. It's about love - a mother's love.
There was this poor family in a village in China which consist only of a mother and her daughter. The father, who was a farmer, has passed away due to poor health. The mother is left to bring her child up. She worked in the fields planting sweet potatoes. Everyday, she tilled the ground, prepared the fertilizer and made sure that there was something for her daughter to eat. She worked for her school fees, always strengthening herself in the thought that her daughter will one day be successful.
Mother: Girl, make sure you study hard so that you will one day be a successful woman.
Daughter: Okay mum.
The girl only had her mother, so it was not surprising that she was especially close to her. From her favourite food to the one bullying her in school, she would share everything with her mother. They would spend the night talking and sharing what happened through the day, laughing and crying together. Then as bedtime comes, she would hum that particular song for her to sleep.
Years passed and the daughter was all grown up.
Mother: Well, you are all grown up now and soon will be studying in a reputable university.'s been a long time. But I guess it's worth it seeing you all grown up and on the way to success.
Daughter: Thanks mum. I will write to you once I reach there.
As the years past by, the mother's health began to deteriorate. The letters came in less frequently. The daughter was worried that something may happen to her mother anytime, so she decided to postpone her studies for awhile. She wrote a letter informing her mother of her decision. After settling all the administrative matters, she took a train all the way back to her village.
It was already night when she reached her village. As she walked closer to her house, memories of her childhood days flooded her mind. The stone table which she used to study on, the grass patch where she accidentally started a fire and her favourite eating house which has already closed down.
As she stepped closer to the familiar hut, she could see a frail figure sitting at the front door, humming a familiar tune. That tune brought back memories...
"Hey Mum, what's this green thing?"
"'s a grasshopper. Your father and I used to go around the fields catching some to sell."
"It's not my fault! The fire started suddenly when my lantern fell!"
"Why are you so fired up? I am not blaming you. All that matters is that you are safe. It wasn't easy defending you from verbal abuses and threats from neighbours but it's worth it."
"Erm mum...something's happening to me."
"Haha...relax girl, you are growing up now. It's ok. Don't be too stressed over it.:
"Guess what! My application is successful!"
"Congratulations! I am so proud of you my dear. Study hard and make me proud. I will miss you but I guess it's a sacrifice I need to make."
Daughter: (tears in her eyes) Mum...I am back.
Mum: (still humming) I have been waiting for you. I am so glad that you are able to spend this day with me.
Daughter: Yah mum, I am happy too that I am still able to see you.
Mum: Relax girl, don't cry. Why should you cry? Today's a happy day and I've cooked your favourite snack - boiled sweet potatoes.
It was a shabby hut, with simple food. There was no red carpet, nor was there a limousine to fetch her. What's inside was just a straw mat with some simple utencils for eating. The only ones around are the crows looking for food and crickets that chirp to attract their kind. Occasionally, some stray cats would meow outside. Other than that, there was no human voice, except for the two of them. They shared with each other stories from the city and the village. Then as time for rest came, the daughter hummed that familiar song as her mother slept.
In that hut was two very happy people.
That day was February 14th 19XX.
Happy Valentine's Day :)
Tags: Family, Love, Singapore, Valentine's Day

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