Steph's Friend

Saturday, May 07, 2005

7 Days Of Field Camp (Day 1)

Hey! I am finally back from the field camp in Tekong. Sure was a fun experience.

Day 1

We marched a total of 8 km in our vest slack attire with our Skeletal Battle Order (SBO) and AR 15. We marched on to our first camp site and set up our basha tents. After doing that, we built a drain system around our individual bashas in case of a rain. The digging was tough as the soil was quite hard. Soon most of our hands had blisters on them. The rifles on our back would occasionally drop to our front as we dig. So some of us placed our rifles beside us while we continued to dig. However, some of the unfortunate recruits had their rifles stolen by their instructors. This made them panic as they know that they would soon have to do guard duty.

We had our combat rations on our first day. Personally, I find that they taste quite ok. Some commented that the rations tasted like vomit while others said that they tasted better than normal food. Well, I guess different people have different opinions.

At night, we had our powder bath. We were also told to maintain light and noise discipline so that our movements and location would not be given out. After that, we went to sleep in our basha tents...the cold hard soil under us sure was uncomfortable. The thought of creepy crawlies walking towards you while you are asleep didn't help much.

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