Steph's Friend

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sentuh Hatiku (With English Translation)

In Medan, I got to hear this song when I went to my auntie's house. My brother and I were over at her house with her husband and her. We were talking over how things are when her husband switched to a channel and it showed a sinetron (sinetron is an Indonesian drama) titled "Sentuh Hatiku". The channel was RCTI. It was then that her husband said that it was a Christian show with the theme song "Sentuh Hatiku". I listened to it and it really touched me. It's a nice song.

Below is the lyrics of the song with the unofficial English translation.

Sentuh Hatiku

Betapa kumencintai
How I love
Segala yang t'lah terjadi
All that has happened
Tak pernah sendiri jalani hidup ini
I have never been alone in this walk of life
Selalu menyertai
But always protected

Betapa kumenyadari
How I realised
Di dalam hidupku ini
In my life
Kau slalu memberi rancangan terbaik
You have a wonderful plan
Oleh karena kasih
Because of love


Bapa, sentuh hatiku, ubah hidupku
Father, touch my heart, change my life
Menjadi yang baru
To be anew
Bagai emas yang murni
Just like pure gold
Kau membentuk bejana hatiku
You have shaped my heart

Bapa, ajarku mengerti sebuah kasih
Father, teach me to understand a kind of love
Yang selalu memberi
That always gives
Bagai air mengalir
Let it be like a flowing stream of water
Yang tiada pernah berhenti
That never ends

I have found two opening videos for the show "Sentuh Hatiku" from YouTube.

I love this song :)

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Anonymous Philip said...

Thank you so much for the translation and God bless you! Its such a beautiful and touching song!

1:38 PM, March 30, 2011  
Anonymous Fred said...

Hi Steph,
Thanks buddy. I appreciate your efforts and the translation.
I do not understand Bahasa Insonesia, but the song really touched me and when i googled for the translation, your blog popped up and after i got to know what the lyrics mean, i loved the song even more and relate even more.
Thank you very much!

10:52 AM, November 22, 2014  

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